
Scuttlebutt Ep 145: Modern Day Marine 2024 Day 3 – Ross Douglas

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Hey, Scuttlebutt listeners. Thank you for joining us. Day 3 of Modern Day Marine 2024. One of the enduring themes of Modern Day Marine is how to continue to build our relationships with our allies and partners, so it was really cool to be able to spend some time with Ross Douglas, the manager for Navy and Marine Corps relations for Echodyne. Ross is an Australian army veteran, and it was great being able to pick his brain on being a service member in Australia and get his perspective on partnering with US forces. Now with Echodyne, Ross enjoys being able to work in a field that focuses on service members and providing them with capabilities that will help them complete the mission and come home. It was also great getting his perspective on the differences in surfing between San Diego and Australia.



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