Title | Author | Edition | Summary |
100 Years of Professional Military Education | Dr. Kirklin Bateman, Dr. Michael Morris, & LtCol Matthew Van Echo | Gazette June 2021 | A Quantico Centennial |
Communication Training Battalion | LtCol Arun Shankar, Maj Paul Stokes, USMC (Ret) | Gazette June 2021 | Innovations in 21st century learning |
Deterrence Paradoxes | LtCol Thaddeus Drake, Jr. | Gazette June 2021 | Strategic deterrence policy is a dangerous basis for force design |
Ditch the CFT | 1stLt James W. England | Gazette June 2021 | And replace it with a better test that already exists |
Educating to Compete | LtCol Nathan Fleischaker | Gazette June 2021 | Development opportunities for Marines and the Corps |
The Four-Block Littoral Force | MajGen Dale Alford | Gazette June 2021 | The infantry’s attack toward Force Design 2030 |
Fourth Phase | Capt Bryan McDonnell | Gazette June 2021 | The evolution of recruit training |
Learning Through New Technologies | MSgt Jeremiah Johnson | Gazette June 2021 | A case for podcasts as credited PME |
Make It Stick | Maj Ian Brown & Capt Benjamin Herbold | Gazette June 2021 | Institutionalizing wargaming at EDCOM |
Maneuver Warfare for the Mind | Maj Sean F.X. Barrett, Dr. Mie Augier, Col G.I. Wilson, USMC (Ret), & Col Michael Wyly, USMC (Ret) | Gazette June 2021 | Educating for thinking and judgment |
A Message from the CG of TECOM | LtGen Lewis A. Craparotta | Gazette June 2021 | |
Metacognition: The Cognitive Connector | LtCol Jaime Macias, USMC (Ret) | Gazette June 2021 | Educating the knowledge-based staff officer to meet the demands of the future operating environment |
Modernizing Military Education | Capt James Whitcher | Gazette June 2021 | Increasing cerebral lethality in the uncertain battles-aces of tomorrow |
Sustaining Our Competitive Advantage | Maj Sean F.X. Barrett, Dr. Mie Augier, & MajGen William F. Mullen | Gazette June 2021 | Thinking is competing |
Taking Foreign Disaster Response to the Next Level | Maj Laurence Paik & Maj Ty Anthony | Gazette June 2021 | Ten actions to better prepare for and respond to international disasters |
Training Command | Maj James T. O’Shaughnessy, Maj Donald Meyer Jr., Maj Trevor Hall, & MSgt Daniel Sigala | Gazette June 2021 | Implementing Force Design 2030 through “The Game of Inches” |
Training the Force for Peer Competition | Majs Matthew Hawkins & Zachariah Riley | Gazette June 2021 | Modifying the Service level training program |
We Have to Focus on Strategic Education | Maj Gordon Emmanuel | Gazette June 2021 | PME for the future fight |
Lessons from Force-on-Force | Capt Michael Hanson | Gazette June 2021 | An honest after action review |
21st Century Learning | Col Joel R. Powers, USMC (Ret) | Gazette June 2020 | Professionalizing how we train and educate Marines to sustain a competitive edge in the future security environment |
A Decision Game Center | Maj Bruce I. Gudmundsson, USMCR(Ret) | Gazette June 2020 | Making a case |
A Letter | MajGen William F. Mullen III | Gazette June 2020 | |
Adapting for the Fight | Maj Timothy J. Gillette Jr. & Maj Matthew Vaughn | Gazette June 2020 | Changing the fabric of our Corps through training and readiness |
Assessments | LtCol Jacob S. Reeves | Gazette June 2020 | Why they matter in “closing with and destroying the enemy” |
Contact is Imminent | SgtMaj Ernest R. Twigg | Gazette June 2020 | A training change is required |
Educating to Fight and Win | the Leaders of Marine Corps University | Gazette June 2020 | PME prepares Marines for the peer-level fight |
Quality over Quantity | LtCol Alexandra Gerbracht & LtCol Jason Johnston | Gazette June 2020 | Training command structure can impact the fleet |
The Future of TECOM | Chris Casey and MAJ Donald Vandergriff, USA (Ret) | Gazette June 2020 | Applying learning principles and best practices to more effectively create an intellectual edge in our Marines |
Training Command 101 | the CG and Staff TRNGCMD | Gazette June 2020 | Ten things you might not know about Training Command |
A Contrasting View | SgtMaj Richard P. Lamelin, USMC (Ret) | Gazette June 2019 | Should the integrated training exercise remain a training exercise or serve as a readiness evaluation? |
A Warrior’s Mind | MajGen William F. Mullen III | Gazette June 2019 | How to better understand the “art” of war |
Educating the Enlisted Marine | GySgt Neil McCoy | Gazette June 2019 | How much longer will we fall short? |
Educating the Military Professional | LTC Jessica Farrell, USA | Gazette June 2019 | How should the study of military history impact Marine leaders? |
For Want of a Ground Training Strategy | Col William Yates, USMC (Ret) | Gazette June 2019 | Improving ground training systems |
Force-on-Force | LtCol Robert Lamont, USMC (Ret) | Gazette June 2019 | Initiating a planned approach |
The Innovative Instruction Workshop | Jody Barto, Shawn McCann, Damien O’Connell, & Micaiah Roydes | Gazette June 2019 | Facilitating learning for higher-order thinking |
Marine Corps Ground Training | Col Joel Powers, USMC (Ret) & LtCol Byron Harder, Ph.D. | Gazette June 2019 | The efficacy of simulations in Marine Corps ground training |
Mission First, Education Always | Maj Christopher Davis | Gazette June 2019 | Balancing operations and PME |
On War‘s Continued Relevancy | Maj Scott Helminski | Gazette June 2019 | The throng and nature of war |
People First | Mie Augier & Maj Sean F.X. Barrett | Gazette June 2019 | Inspiring an intellectual renaissance to reinvigorate strategic thinking in the Marine Corps |
Small UAS | Capt Daniel Callaway | Gazette June 2019 | Integration into the Marine Corps’ Formal Learning Centers |
The Tactical MAGTF Integration Course | Maj James Smith, Maj Chris deVries, & Capt Gene Harb | Gazette June 2019 | A battalion staff training planned approach |
TECOM Warfighting Club | Benjamin Jensen | Gazette June 2019 | Bringing together war fighting communities of interest |
The Film Doesn’t Lie | Maj Neal Jones | Gazette June 2019 | How the Los Angeles Rams increased an infantry battalion’s lethality |
The “Train Me” Mentality | MajGen William F. Mullen III | Gazette June 2019 | It’s time to get serious about our profession as warfighters |
Training Technology | Daniel Keenan | Gazette June 2019 | A 21st century necessity |