
Agenda and Minutes 10 January

Agenda and minutes:  TWS 10 Jan 2020  

Board of Officers:

                -Director:  LtCol Nathan Dmochowski

                -Secretary General:  Mr. Chris Woodbridge

                -Information Officer:  LtCol Roy Draa

                -Wargaming Officer:  Dr. Ben Jensen

Attendees:  LtCol Dmochowski, Col Woodbridge (ret), Col Dan Wittnam, Maj Scotty Black, LtCol Roy Draa, Maj Robichaux

Dialed in:  Mr. Gary Lehmann (MCWL), Maj Kaho Ng (CDD, Requirements/Assessments Branch), Maj Tyler Quinn (Okinawa), Maj Grimball (CLNC/CDET Chapter), Maj Vicki Crowder (I MEF), Capt Walker Mills, Capt Mulholland, Capt Hurst 

1.  TWC Business

      a.  Need a 2020 recruiting push!  Looking to travel to CLNC and CPEN to brief leadership and potential members.

      b.  TWS website (MCA&F) and online collaboration tool (Concept Board), getting finalized.  Once complete we will load all the content and send out the link.

      c.  Once TWS website is up and running will be soliciting for Blog posts to drive our agenda.  We have concentrated on EABO for some time and would like to cast a wider net for discussion/debate and professional development.

2.  Previous discussion:

10 Jan Minutes:

TWS Website:

-Quantico Chapter will build out the initial frame work/interface of the website:

                -Meeting schedule and agenda

                -File repository

                -Online collaborative tool (Concept Board)

                -Blog as an opportunity for our members/community to post topics and ideas for meetings.  Also an opportunity to get the TWS community to read and comment on your ideas

                -Pages for our chapters (CLNC, Hawaii, Okinawa, CPEN)

-Once built we will push out a “User’s Guide”

TWS Wargaming Plan:

-TWS will establish planning teams for our EABO wargame with a focus on command and control

                -Quantico team will include TWS members and potentially augment with EWS/CSC

                -CLNC/CDET team will be our red team, planning for PLA/PLAN/PLAN Militia

                -Hawaii/Okinawa/CPEN identify planning team OR articulate desired level of participation

Planning/Preparation:  Conduct a “Phase 0” workshop to prepare planning teams for the wargame           

                -Gather reading material and guest speakers

                -Subjects will include but are not limited to:  geography, PLAN maritime militia, cyber operations specific to INDOPACOM, PLA/PLAN/PLAN Militia capabilities

-Use ONE scenario for planning teams

-Krulak Center supports by running command simulations, TWS pushes out “turns” to planning teams for decisions/COAs

-For C2 questions we may need to design a tabletop wargame

       f.  Future Events

            1)  Conduct Phase 0 workshop, gather reading materials, conduct micro-learning briefs with guest speakers to create podcasts (post on TWS website)

           2)  Gather wargame products and distribute (road to war)

           3)  Review/publish EABO Concept of Logistics paper (Hawaii Chapter lead)