How will COVID 19 (Coronavirus) affect the Challenge?
It will not. This is a Virtual Challenge, so participants will not have to be in the same location as each other. The Challenge can be completed in any Clime and Place, even a treadmill.
Is there a limit on how many people can be on my team?
No, your team can be as large or small as you want it to be. Participants can also complete the Challenge alone, if they prefer.
How do I track my mileage?
1. Both you and your buddy should go to the App or Google Play Store on your mobile device
2. Download the app “Map My Run by Under Armour” (the app icon is blue with a white UA logo and is free)
3. Create your account
4. Add “Marine Corps Association” as your friend
5. Your friend request will be accepted within 48 hours
6. You will then receive a notification that you have been invited to the “Purple Heart Buddy Challenge”
7. Click on the notification then click on the green “Join Challenge” button
8. Click here if you need help using the “Map My Run” app*
Note – If you are already friends with Marine Corps Association on the MapMyRun app, we will send you an invite to the Challenge within 48 hours of registration.
9. Email [email protected] and let MCA&F know who your buddy or team is so your mileage can be combined and added to our leaderboard.
How do I combine my mileage with my “Buddy”?
Option 1: If you are tracking your mileage on the MapMyRun mobile app, email [email protected] to let MCA&F know who your buddy is and the website leaderboard will be updated accordingly will your combined total mileage.
Option 2: If you and your buddy are tracking your mileage in another way, combine your mileage and email the total (with your names) to [email protected].
Where can I view the leaderboard?
You can view the leaderboard by clicking here or going to mca-marines.org/purpleheart-leaderboard/
What should I do if my mileage is incorrect on the leaderboard?
Please email [email protected] and we will be happy to correct the issue.
If you have any further questions…
please email [email protected].