icon Tactics

Studying Squad Tactics

In order to be as proficient as possible. Marine squads must train the way they fight-focused outward on the threat, not inward on control.

In Vietnam, squad leaders depended on their Marines to be alert and move into opportunities without waiting for orders. It was the squad leader's job to be there with the point man or whoever first met the enemy.

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The Last 300 Yards

Although maneuver warfare seeks to bypass resistance and collapse enemy defenses, frontal attacks remain one of the most likely and demanding requirements facing Marines in frontline units. The Corps cannot afford to ignore the tactics of closing the final 300 yards.

Initiating Indirect Fires: Indirect fires are an important component of the combined arms effect called for in FMFM 1. This combined arms effect, however, is much more responsive when achieved with organic weapons. At the lowest level, the bursting power of the hand grenade complements the direct

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