icon Aviation

Air Cooperation Revisited

Allow the ACE to work more closely with ground units

The Marine Corps' ACE, operating in a combat zone under JFACC control, cannot escape the gravitational pull of this black hole. Unfortunately, Marine Corps maneuver warfare doctrine of decentralized decision making is rapidly discarded under such rules. Request priority is the product of a formula

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Embrace Maneuver Warfare

A rebuttal

[...] in addition to ensuring that aircraft are used effectively, the ATO planning process is in place to ensure that the MAGTF commander's aviation assets are used in a way that supports his overall scheme of maneuver, objectives, and intent. [...] the proposal of placing aircraft in DS of a

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Embrace Maneuver Warfare

The DS section

The battalion commander attempting to investigate time-sensitive intelligence beyond the reach of his ground units will be unable to compete with the more pressing requirements of troops in contact (TIC) situations, convoy and assault escort, or other CAS engagements in neighboring areas of

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Unmanned UF-35B Lightning II

Should the pilot do it all?

The networking capability combined with the "flying sensor" qualities of the F-35 could equate to information overload to maneuver forces if not leavened by pilot perspective operating with commander's intent, or worse, further disaggregate the F-35B pilot or the more seasoned squadron commander

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MAGTF Aviation and Operational Maneuver from the Sea

Marine Air-Ground Task Force Aviation and Operational Maneuver From the Sea

The USMC's response to multidimensional threats requires the ability to seamlessly and rapidly integrate widely dissimilar and possibly dispersed combat forces.

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OMFTS: Innovation, deep maneuver, and aviation

Is a naval expedition task force-one made up of (1) a MAG TF organized around light armor, (2) amphibious forces capable of seabasing, and (3) carrier air trained particularly for littoral campaigns-the operational level capability that had been missing from the inventory of U.S. forces? These authors think so. What do you think?

A naval expedition task force may be the key to operational level capability that had been missing from the inventory of US forces. Concepts that are key to the Marine Corps' Operational Maneuver From the Sea are discussed.

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MAGTF Aviation and Maneuver Warfare

Lip service or lethal punch?

Maneuver warfare should apply to both combat elements of the Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF). Anything less fails to take full advantage of the Marine Corps' aviation assets.

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Aviation’s Maneuver Doctrine


Questions about how Marine aviation should respond to the Corps' adoption of maneuver warfare doctrine first arose more than a decade ago. Would this change in doctrine affect the operational concepts, training, and focus of effort of Marine aircraft wings-perhaps even their organization and

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The Role of Marine Aviation in Maneuver Warfare

Cowinner 1989 Bevan G. Cass Award

When the Army Air Force first struggled with the difficult question of how to best employ its airpower, it was fortunate to have an influential and visionary leader to give it guidance. As the Marine Corps now ponders a similar question, it unfortunately is receiving its advice from a "Billy"

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Maneuver Warfare and Marine Aviation

Consider another case that illustrates a more subtle air focus of efforts. As a result of the close air support it received in the previous case, 2/8 breaks through into the enemy's open depth. The ground commander commits his reserve to exploit the break-through and begins moving his whole force

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