icon CPRL Periodicals


Magazine of the Marines

Magazine for Marines, by Marines. Limited content available for free at website. Unlimited access requires individual membership to Marine Corps Association. Check with your local MCCS Base Library for available access to print and electronic versions.

Marine Corps Gazette

Professional Journal of U.S. Marines

The Gazette a forum for open discussion and a free exchange of ideas relating to the U.S. Marine Corps and military and national defense issues, particularly as they affect the Corps. Limited content available for free at website. Unlimited access requires individual membership to Marine Corps Association. Check with your local MCCS Base Library for available access to print and electronic versions.


US Naval Institute

An independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of sea power and other issues critical to global security. From the US Naval Institute.

Journal of Advanced Military Studies


The Journal of Advanced Military Studies (JAMS) (formerly the MCU Journal) offers a forum for open dialogue between scholars, policy makers, analysts, and military leaders and of crossing civilian-military boundaries to advance knowledge and solve problems. JAMS content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution

Yellow Sheet

Marine Corps Aviation Association

Current events and history of Marine aviation. Access requires individual membership to MCAA.

Grounded Curiosity

Ideas for the Profession of Arms

Grounded Curiosity is dedicated to the professional development of military personnel across all ranks and experience levels, and seeks to promote discussions that will best prepare our people for the future.

Modern War Institute

The Modern War Institute at West Point generates new knowledge for the profession of arms, enhances the West Point curriculum, and provides the Army and the Nation with an intellectual resource for solving military problems. MWI has three mutually supporting functions: Research, Educate, and Integrate. Web-based publication.

Small Wars Journal

Small Wars Journal facilitates the exchange of information among practitioners, thought leaders, and students of Small Wars, in order to advance knowledge and capabilities in the field.

The Strategy Bridge

Strategy Bridge exists to develop a community of thinkers and writers who seek to improve the level of discussion in writing and strategy. It aims to provide quality content in the areas of policy, strategy, and military affairs by current thinkers and practitioners, and support the development of future leaders in these areas..

War on the Rocks

War on the Rocks is a platform for analysis, commentary, debate and multimedia content on foreign policy and national security issues through a realist lens. It features articles and podcasts produced by an array of writers with deep experience in these matters: top notch scholars who study war, those who have served or worked in war zones, and more than a few who have done it all. Web-based publication.

The Forge

The Forge supports continuous learning in key areas of the continuum of Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) for Australian officers and interested national security stakeholders, namely: National Security Policy and Strategy; Command Leadership and Ethics; Joint Warfare and Technology and Capability. Content reguarly overlaps with topics of interest to US Marines. From the Australian Defence College.

The Cove

A medium for sharing knowledge, experience and wisdom with the Australian defense community, the Cove’s content regularly overlaps with topics of interest to US Marines.

  • Leatherneck Magazine for Marines, by Marines. Limited content available for free at website. Unlimited access requires individual membership to Marine Corps Association. Check with your local MCCS Base Library for available access to print and electronic versions.
  • The Cove A medium for sharing knowledge, experience and wisdom with the Australian defense community, the Cove’s content regularly overlaps with topics of interest to US Marines.

  • The Forge The Forge supports continuous learning in key areas of the continuum of Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) for Australian officers and interested national security stakeholders, namely: National Security Policy and Strategy; Command Leadership and Ethics; Joint Warfare and Technology and Capability. Content reguarly overlaps with topics of interest to US Marines. From the Australian Defence College.

  • Grounded Curiosity Grounded Curiosity is dedicated to the professional development of military personnel across all ranks and experience levels, and seeks to promote discussions that will best prepare our people for the future.
  • Marine Corps Gazette The Gazette a forum for open discussion and a free exchange of ideas relating to the U.S. Marine Corps and military and national defense issues, particularly as they affect the Corps. Limited content available for free at website. Unlimited access requires individual membership to Marine Corps Association. Check with your local MCCS Base Library for available access to print and electronic versions.
  • Modern War Institute The Modern War Institute at West Point generates new knowledge for the profession of arms, enhances the West Point curriculum, and provides the Army and the Nation with an intellectual resource for solving military problems. MWI has three mutually supporting functions: Research, Educate, and Integrate. Web-based publication.

  • Proceedings (US Naval Institute) An independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of sea power and other issues critical to global security. From the US Naval Institute.

  • Small Wars Journal Small Wars Journal facilitates the exchange of information among practitioners, thought leaders, and students of Small Wars, in order to advance knowledge and capabilities in the field.
  • Journal of Advanced Military Studies (JAMS) The Journal of Advanced Military Studies (JAMS) (formerly the MCU Journal) offers a forum for open dialogue between scholars, policy makers, analysts, and military leaders and of crossing civilian-military boundaries to advance knowledge and solve problems. JAMS content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution

  • War on the Rocks War on the Rocks is a platform for analysis, commentary, debate and multimedia content on foreign policy and national security issues through a realist lens. It features articles and podcasts produced by an array of writers with deep experience in these matters: top notch scholars who study war, those who have served or worked in war zones, and more than a few who have done it all. Web-based publication.

  • The Strategy Bridge Strategy Bridge exists to develop a community of thinkers and writers who seek to improve the level of discussion in writing and strategy. It aims to provide quality content in the areas of policy, strategy, and military affairs by current thinkers and practitioners, and support the development of future leaders in these areas.