The Brute Krulak Center for Innovation and Future War presents a graphic novel series for the Warfighter by the Warfighter.
“Professional military education consists of some combination of military history, security studies, international relations, leadership, strategy, tactics, drill, and a variety of wargames. These subjects and activities are designed to shape our minds, sharpen our thinking, and expand our problem solving abilities. Nevertheless, we still ask ourselves: Are there other ways we can stretch our creative boundaries, challenge our conventional modes of thinking, and validate our warfighting assumptions? Is it possible to create space for novel perspectives and ideas?
Well, you are holding our vision to achieve these goals in your hands or reading it on your screens right now. Admittedly, the graphic novel is nothing new. However, past treatments of this medium by other Services and organizations are (typically) professionally constructed. We wanted something organic, homegrown, and raw. This assemblage of art and ideas is a passion project created by the warfighter for the warfighter.”
AUSA presents the stories of some of the Army’s most notable Medal of Honor recipients in graphic novel form.