Maneuver Warfare’s Complexities
Posted on July 22,2019Article Date Apr 01, 1982
by LtCol J.R. Phaneuf, USMC(Ret)
The appearance of articles by Maj Skipper and Capt Klepper relating to the logistical ramifications of maneuver warfare in the Jan82 issue was particularly encouraging. These articles indicate Marines are examining the total, overall scope of new concepts and doctrine. . . .
Marine planners at all levels should continue to invite the logisticians (and I don’t mean only supply officers) to their meetings and planning sessions. The LAV, aircraft, or infantryman up front is the small tip of a triangle which spreads widely as you look to the rear areas. The true logistics requirements to keep that man/machine mix in action is represented by the broad base of the triangle. . . .
Engineering and food services are just two of the logistics requirements to which I am aluding. Take a moment to tally the remainder, and it becomes frightening. There are no easy solutions, but we must keep at it. Let’s not have another Iran, where the mightiest nation in the world could not react, not because of a lack of combat forces, but because we couldn’t support them if we could have found a way to get them there.