icon Planning and MSTP
Read the Red Cell’s Playbook1stLt Bryson A. CurtinGazette December 2021Direct enemy studies at the tactical level of Marine Corps operations
Putting Art Back in the Art of WarCapt Michael D. MinervaGazette December 2021Some thoughts toward developing the skill of operational design
Traditional Battle Rhythms Are DeadGySgt Brandon Smart, Capts Jon Margolick & Aaron Barlow, Majs Matthew Janiga, Clark Smith & Pete ThermosGazette October 2020Why the military needs to use the scrum framework
MAGTF Warfighting Trendsthe Staff, MSTPGazette June 2018Planning and assessment
Analysis and PlanningMaj Arun Shankar & Michael BaileyGazette April 2018How operations analysis can support the Marine Corps Planning Process
The Marine Corps Design Methodologythe Staff, MAGTF Staff Training ProgramGazette October 2017A viable approach to purposely confronting complexity
An MSTP for the Future ForceThe MAGTF Staff Training ProgramGazette February 2017Evolving to address the complexities of a dynamic and challenging future operating environment